Brian MunskyRichard P. Feynman Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow CCS3, B9, NFCR, Identification and Analysis of Single Cell, Stochastic Behaviors Office: TA-3, Bldg 1690, Room 117 Mail Stop: B258 Phone: 665-6691 Fax: (505) 665-7652 munsky at home page | | Educational Background/Employment: Research Interests: - Even genetically identical cells in identical environments exhibit wildly different
phenotypical behaviors due to cellular fluctuations known as gene expression "noise".
Previously, such noise was considered a nuisance that compromised cellular responses,
complicated modeling, and made predictive understanding
all but impossible. Many studies focused on how cellular processes remove or exploit
noise to a cell's advantage. However, different cellular
mechanisms affect these cellular fluctuations in different ways, and it is now clear
that these fluctuations contain valuable information about underlying cellular
mechanisms. Finding and exploiting this information requires a strong
integration of single-cell/single-molecule measurements with discrete stochastic
analyses. My focus is to utilize this information to gain predictive
understanding of new biological phenomena. Along these lines, we have studied natural and synthetic
transcriptional regulation pathways in bacteria and yeast. We are now also examining small RNA
dynamics during bacterial infractions in mammalian cells, single-cell lipid production in algae, and
single-cell differentiation in human mesenchymal stem cells.
Selected Recent Publications: - For recent publications, please visit my home page at: Publications