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Eddy Timmermans

Staff Member

Quantum Physics

Eddy Timmermans

Office: TA-3, Bldg 528
Mail Stop: B258
Phone: (505) 665-8306
Fax: (505) 665-2659
home page

Research highlight
     Educational Background/Employment:
    • Kandidatuur (1985) Physics, University of Ghent, Belgium
    • Licentie (1987) Theoretical Nuclear Physics, University of Ghent, Belgium
    • M.A. (1993) Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Rice University
    • Ph.D. (1995) Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Rice University
    • Employment:
      • 1995-1998 ITAMP-Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
      • 1998-2000 Director's funded postdoc, LANL
      • 2000-2003 Oppenheimer Fellow, LANL
      • 2004-2007 Technical Staff Member, LANL
    • Professional Training:

      Research Interests:

      • Novel superfluids in bosonic and fermionic dilute gas systems.
      • Bose-Einstein condensate optics.

      Selected Recent Publications:

      1. Gaudio, S., Mihaila, B., Blagoev, KB., Bedell, KS., Timmermans, E., Acoustic attenuation probe for fermion superfluidity in ultracold-atom gases Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, no.11, p110407/1-4 (2007)
      2. Cuchietti, FM., Timmermans, E., Strong-coupling polarons in dilute gase Bose-Einstein condensates Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 210401/1-4 (2006)
      3. Santamore, D., Timmermans, E., Collective excitations of low density fermion-boson quantum-liquid mixtures Phys. Rev. A. 72, 1 (2005)
      4. Santamore, DH., Gaudio, S., Timmermans, E., Zero-sound in a mixture of a single component fermion gas and a Bose-Einstein condensate Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 250402 (2004)
      5. Timmermans, E., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 403 (2001)
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