Saif R. KaziCNLS Postdoctoral Research Assosciate T-5/CNLS Differential Algebraic Equation (DAE) Optimization, Mathematical Programming with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) 
Office: TA-3, Bldg 1690, Room 134 Mail Stop: B258 Phone: (505) 606 8647 Fax: (505) 665-2659 Email: home page Research highlightI am interested in optimization of large scale energy system networks including gas and power networks. My research includes dynamic modeling of gas mixing and flow inside the network and minimizing the economic cost of operating the pipeline subject to demand and supply constraints. I also focus on non-smooth and hybrid modeling of physical systems using complementarity constraints and developing special algorithms to solve them computationally efficiently.
|  | Educational Background/Employment:- Ph.D. (2021) Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
- B.Tech. (2016) Chemical Engineering (Hons.), IIT Bombay, India
- Employment:
- 2021-Present: Postdoctoral Research Assosciate, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM
Research Interests: - Optimization of Gas and Power Networks
- Dynamic Optimization of Energy and Chemical Process Systems
- Hybrid Modeling and Non-smooth Optimization using MPCC
- Application of trust-region methods for large-scale optimization problems
Selected Recent Publications: Google Scholar Profile
- Kazi, S. R., Short, M., Biegler, L. T., A trust region framework for heat exchanger network synthesis with detailed individual heat exchanger designs, Computers & Chemical Engineering 153, 107447 (2021)
- Kazi, S. R., Short, M., Isafiade, A. J., Biegler, L. T., Heat exchanger network synthesis with detailed exchanger designs &minus Part 2. Hybrid optimization strategy for synthesis of heat exchanger networks , AIChE Journal 67, e17057 (2021)
- Kazi, S. R., Short, M., Biegler, L. T., Heat exchanger network synthesis with detailed exchanger designs &minus Part 1. A discretized differential algebraic equation model for shell and tube heat exchanger design , AIChE Journal 67, e17056 (2021)
- Kazi, S. R., Biegler, L. T., Nonlinear optimization of detailed heat exchanger models with phase change , Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 47, 151-156 (2019)