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Monday, August 07, 2006
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
CNLS Conference Room


A review of several methods for computing multimaterial compressible flowscomputing multimaterial compressible flows

Remi Abgrall
Mathematiques Appliquees de Bordeaux and INRIA Universite Bordeaux

In this talk, I will propose a review on several numerical technique that have been proposed by myself and co-workers on how to compute compressible multimaterial flows in an Eulerian framework. My main collaborators on that topic are Pr. Smadar Karni (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor) and Pr. R. Saurel (U of Marseilles, France). It is well known that standard schemes, which are simple extensions of schemes for perfect gas flows, say Godunov scheme, usually leads to instabilities in the multimaterial context. Depending on the equation of state, this may lead to the code blow up. Starting from a very simple example, I first give the origin of the problem. Then several solutions are explored, depending on the complexity, the type of problem, etc. Numerical illustrations are proposed. It is well known that standard schemes, which are simple extensions of schemes for perfect gas flows, say Godunov scheme, usually leads to instabilities in the multimaterial context. Depending on the equation of state, this may lead to the code blow up. Starting from a very simple example, I first give the origin of the problem. Then several solutions are explored, depending on the complexity, the type of problem, etc. Numerical illustrations are proposed.

Host: Mikhail Shashkov