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Thursday, February 17, 2011
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


The RAPIT project: towards the risk of the collapse of the Atlantic overturning circulation

Peter Challenor
National Oceanography Center and Southampton University (UK)

Following on from earlier work with simple models of the ocean circulation the RAPIT project is estimating the risk of the collapse of the Atlantic overturning circulation using fully coupled GCM's. I will outline the plans for the project and highlight some of the progress we have made so fat. In particular I will describe the work done on building joint emulators of both a reduced resolution model FAMOUS and the full resolution GCM HADCM3. Such emulators will allow us to predict the future strength of the overturning under a wide range of possible CO2 scenarios.

Host: James R. Gattiker,, 505.667.6947, CCS-6, Statistical Sciences