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Wednesday, February 08, 2012
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Detecting Malware: Traffic Classification, Botnets, and Facebook Scams

Michalis Faloutsos
University of California, Riverside

In this talk, we highlight two topics of security research from our lab. First, we address the problem of Internet traffic classification (e.g. web, filesharing, or botnet?). We present a fundamentally different approach to classifying traffic that studies the network wide behavior by modeling the interactions of users as a graph. By contrast, most previous approaches use statistics such as packet sizes and inter-packet delays. We show how our approach gives rise to novel and powerful ways to: (a) visualize the traffic, (b) model the behavior of applications, and (c) detect abnormalities and attacks. Extending this approach, we develop ENTELECHEIA, a botnet-detection method. Tests with real data suggests that our graph-based approach is very promising. Second, we present, MyPageKeeper, a security Facebook app, with 13K downloads, which we deployed to: (a) quantify the presence of malware on Facebook, and (b) protect end-users. We designed MyPageKeeper in a way that strikes the balance between accuracy and computational cost and can operate in real-time. Our initial results are scary and interesting: (a) malware is widespread, with 49% of our users are exposed to at least one malicious post from a friend, and (b) roughly 74% of all malicious posts contain links that point back to Facebook, and thus would evade any of the current web-based filtering approaches.

Host: Stephan Eidenbenz, CCS-3: INFORMATION SCIENCES,