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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Observation of a New Casimir Effect in Saturated Superfluid 4He Films

John Abraham

We will discuss the results of experiments on saturated superfluid 4He films in the vicinity of the bulk superfluid transition temperature T_lambda, measuring the film thickness with a capacitance technique and the superfluid density with third sound. For moderately slow temperature sweep rates (0.5 mK/hr) we measure the critical Casimir film-thinning effect with good resolution, and find that the Kosterlitz-Thouless superfluid onset in the film occurs just at the start of the dip in film thickness. When warming through T_lambda at extremely slow rates (a few microK/hr), however, we have observed a sudden large increase in the film thickness (nearly 25 Angstroms) in a film initially 480 Angstroms thick) within microkelvins of T_lambda. We propose that this is a new type of Casimir effect arising from the viscous suppression of second sound modes in the film, leading to a large free energy difference in the superfluid state that disappears abruptly when second sound ceases to propagate in the bulk helium at T_lambda.

Host: Greg Swift