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Tuesday, February 25, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


ReALE Implemented in a Parallel Staggered Compatible Hydro Framework

David Starinshak, J. Michael Owen, Douglas Miller
Lawrence Livermore National Lab

We examine the new reconnection-based arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ReALE) scheme [Loubere et. al., JCP, 2010] in the context of a parallel, staggered, and compatible hydro framework. The ReALE update consists of three phases: an explicit Lagrangian update, a mesh rezoning phase, and a remapping phase. The rezoned mesh is obtained through a Voronoi tessellation and optimized using a Winslow-Crowley-based mesh relaxer. Connectivity of mesh elements is based on the Voronoi diagram, potentially leading to changes in mesh topology at every cycle. Solution variables are mapped from post-Lagrange mesh elements to the relaxed Voronoi mesh by means of a geometric overlay.

ReALE calculations at high grid resolutions are challenging for a number of reasons. First, Voronoi grids exhibit arbitrary zone shapes. Large-scale computations require a scalable hydro treatment valid for fully-unstructured meshes. Second, Voronoi grid generation is complicated by degeneracies and non-convex domain boundaries. Reliable and robust mesh-generation tools are necessary. Third, each phase of the ReALE update must be computed in parallel. In terms of Voronoi mesh generation, this continues to be an open research topic. Finally, solver efficiency is a persistent issue. Full reconnection at every cycle is an expensive procedure and compromises may be needed.

This talk will present results obtained from parallel ReALE simulations using the hydro code Kull. Novel techniques for ReALE hydro are discussed, including generation of topologically-consistent Voronoi meshes in parallel and reconstructing subzonal quantities to maintain strict conservation during the remap phase.

Host: Misha Shashkov