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Wednesday, April 30, 2014
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Density Functional Theory in the Absence of the Theorems of Hohenberg and Kohn: Constrained Search Formulation of the Theory

Antonis Gonis
Lawrence Livermore National Lab

In 1964 Hohenberg and Kohn established two remarkable theorems: First, they established a unique (within an additive constant) functional relation between a density, n(r), that is known to describe the ground state of an interacting system of N particles under an external potential, v(r), and the potential. Second, they demonstrated the existence of a density functional defined in terms of that potential whose minimum value is obtained for the density of the ground state of the system of interacting particles where it equals the energy of the interacting system’s ground state. These theorems are considered to be the foundation of density functional theory (DFT). It is generally held that the density of the ground state of a potential, and only the density, suffices to determine the potential, the energy and the wave function of the ground state of an interacting many-particle system.

Unfortunately, however, given only the density, the current methodology comprising density functional theory provides no procedure that determines the potential and the wave function of the ground state of a system, even if it is assumed that the density does describe the ground state of a potential. Most importantly, the theory cannot decide as to whether or not a given density corresponds to the ground state of a potential.

In this presentation, I show how the constrained search coupled with the process of differentiation with respect to the density leads to a complete theory that determines whether or not a given density corresponds to the ground state of a potential, and if it does allows the unique determination (within a constant) of that potential as well as the ground state energy and wave function of an interacting many-particle system under that potential. These developments evolve from knowledge of the density alone with no reference to potential. In the new formulation, the theorems of Hohenberg and Kohn are replaced with generalized versions applicable to any density, a quantity that is the sole independent variable of the theory.

Furthermore, I demonstrate how the derivatives with respect to the density measure the rate of change with respect to the density of a wave function in the Hilbert space defined by the density and are applicable not only to functionals of the density but also to general expectation values of operators, such as the kinetic and Coulomb interaction operators, determined with respect to wave functions that lead to the density. I also show how differentiation with respect to the density provides a rigorous solution of the self-interaction problem in a Kohn-Sham implementation of the theory. The methodology is illustrated with numerical calculations including those of ground-state energies of atomic systems with results compared to those of other methods. An assessment of the formal and computational significance of the new formalism is given.

Host: John Wills