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Wednesday, March 16, 2016
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Within-Host Models of High and Low Pathogenic Influenza Virus Infections: The Role of Macrophages

Kasia Pawelek
University of South Carolina Beaufort

Based on the severity of the disease, influenza viruses are sometimes categorized as either being highly pathogenic (HP) or having low pathogenicity (LP). The reasons why some strains are LP and others HP are not fully understood. While there are likely multiple mechanisms of interaction between the virus and the immune response that determine LP versus HP outcomes, we focus here on the role of macrophages (MP). There is some evidence that MP may both help fight the infection and become productively infected with HP influenza viruses. We developed mathematical models for influenza infections which explicitly included the dynamics and action of MP. We fit these models to viral load and macrophage count data from experimental infections of mice with LP and HP strains. Our results suggest that MP may not only help fight an influenza infection but may contribute to virus production in infections with HP viruses. We also explored the impact of combination therapies with antivirals and anti-inflammatory drugs on HP infections. Our study suggests a possible mechanism of MP in determining HP versus LP outcomes, and how different interventions might affect infection dynamics. 1. Pawelek KA, Dor D, Jr., Salmeron C, Handel A (2016) Within-Host Models of High and Low Pathogenic Influenza Virus Infections: The Role of Macrophages. PLoS One 11: e0150568.

Host: Sara Del Valle