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Wednesday, July 12, 2017
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Bridging the Scale Gap Between Visual Perception and Big Data

Dr. T. Alan Keahey
Conversant Media

The human visual perception system is the highest bandwidth sensory channel that we have for ingesting information. It provides unique features of instant feature and pattern recognition that scale well to human-scale datasets. However, the scalability of our visual perception is not infinite, and the limits of it are reached well before we reach the sizes seen in typical "Big Data" applications. There are a number of scalability factors that affect our ability to view larger datasets, including perceptual, visual, interaction, display, analytical scale and available time. This talk will explore some of these differences in scale, and show how a variety of visual and analytical techniques can be combined to help bridge the scale gap between what we are capable of perceiving and the data that we need to understand. During this discussion we will explore some of the specific scalability challenges that we face in the global digital marketing economy, and prior work with IBM Watson for Genomics.

Host: Curt Canada, 505-665-7453,