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Tuesday, May 14, 2019
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Skyrmions: from condensed matter to hairy black holes

Yasha Shnir
LTP, JINR, Dubna

Topological solitons emerge in various non-linear systems as stable localized configurations behaving in many ways like particles, from non-linear optics and condensed matter to nuclear physics to cosmology and supersymmetric theories. Perhaps the best developed model from this viewpoint is the family of Skyrme-type field theories, which includes the usual Skyrme model, the baby Skyrme model in 2+1 dim, and Faddeev-Skyrme model in 3+1 dim. Recently, there has been a remarkable progress towards understanding of underlying geometrical properties of the skyrmions, which opens a new possibilities in constructions of these field configurations. We will discuss various aspects of the skyrmion solutions, in particular, in soft matter applications. As another example, we duscuss black hole solutions of the Einstein-Skyrme modelwith skyrmionic hair.

Host: Avadh Saxena