<p> ------------------     Dynamical Phyllotaxis

<li><a href="/~cristiano/highlights/Dyn">Dynamical Phyllotaxis: Animations (Supplementary Material from PRL). </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href="http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v9/n6/full/nmat2777.html"> Dynamical Phyllotaxis: featured on Nature Materials (2010).</A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href="http://ams.org/samplings/feature-column/fcarc-phyllotaxis">Dynamical Phyllotaxis: featured in a column of the American Mathematical Society  (2010). </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href="/~cristiano/highlights/ste.pdf">Dynamical Phyllotaxis: featured on PADSTE June 3 (2009). </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href="http://www.physorg.com/news162035121.html">Dynamical Phyllotaxis: featured on physorg. </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<p> ------------------     Q1D Systems

<li><a href="/~cristiano/highlights/ste2.pdf"> Work on Stability of Q1D nanostructures qualifies second at the Leon Heller prize for best paper in Theoretical Physics. </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<p> ------------------     Artificial Spin Ice

<li><a href="http://int.lanl.gov/lanltoday/postdoc_research_day_lab_postdocs.html?source=lanltoday_email"> Artificial Spin Ice: winner of poster award </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href="http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v439/n7074/images/cover_nature.jpg"> Artificial Spin Ice: featured on the cover of Nature </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href =http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v439/n7074/edsumm/e060119-01.html"> Artificial Spin Ice: chosen for Nature Editor Summary </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href="http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v439/n7074/full/439273a.html"> Artificial Spin Ice: featured on Nature News and Views </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href="http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v4/n11/full/nphys1114.html"> Artificial Spin Ice: featured on Nature Physics News and Views </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<li><a href= http://www.physorg.com/news9998.html"> Artificial Spin Ice: featured on physorg </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<p> ------------------     Folded Graphene

<li><a href="http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-8984/labtalk-article/43467"> Raman Origami: featured on JOPCM LabTalk (2010). </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<p> ------------------ 

<li> My travel plans: <br> 


2/19-3/06: Oxford University, Oxford, UK. <br> 

3/06-3/10: Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany.<br>

3/10-3/14: Universita di Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy. <br>

3/15-3/19: APS March Meeting, Portland, Oregon. <br>

7/12-7/15: 2nd Bragg-Stoner Symposium, University of Leeds, UK <br>

Some time in August: Johns Hopkins University (CANCELLED). <br>

September 2010: Penn State, University Park. <br>

9/28-9/30 2010: University of California San Diego. <br>

Some time in October: Istituto Nazionale Sistemi Complessi, Florence, Italy (CANCELLED).<br>

Some time in 2011: Brazil,UFV <br>

</A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>

<p> ------------------ 

<li><a href="/~cristiano/highlights/resume-us.pdf"> CV updated July 1st, 2010. </A> <span class=tiny></SPAN>