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CNLS Talks, 2022
• 2022-12-15 Prajvala Kurtakoti (T-3) Sea-ice and cloud processes mediating compensation between atmospheric and oceanic meridional heat transports across the CMIP6 pre-industrial control experiment
• 2022-12-15 Weslley S Pereira and Julien Langou (University of Colorado - Denver) Design, Usage and Features of the <T>LAPACK Library
• 2022-12-08 Nikita Fedik (T-1/CNLS) Beyond interatomic potentials: machine learning models for practical chemical discovery
• 2022-12-07 Jacob Muldoon (IUPUI, Indianapolis) Exploring Super-Quantum Temporal Correlations of Non-Hermitian Systems
• 2022-12-07 Giulia Belluccini (University of Leeds, UK, (School of Mathematics)) Stochastic models of cell population dynamics
• 2022-12-06 Yogesh Joglekar ( Professor at IUPUI (Indianapolis)) A lossy atom that does not decay: PT symmetry and coherent dynamics with complex energies
• 2022-12-05 Joe Subotnik (University of Pennsylvania - Department of Chemistry) Role of Berry Forces in Nonadiabatic Dynamics and Implications for Spintronics
• 2022-12-01 Rohit Kannan (T-5) Tighter Bounds for Semi-Infinite Programming Using Sensitivity Analysis
• 2022-11-30 Andrew Christlieb (Michigan State University) A new Particle-In-Cell method based on integral equations
• 2022-11-21 Dr. Vakhtang Putkaradze (Dept of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Alberta) Variational approach to porous media: equations of motion, muscle action and thermodynamics
• 2022-11-17 David Charles Wych (CCS-3) Recent advances in machine learning for protein structure prediction
• 2022-11-15 Malcolm Boshier (MPA-Q) The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics: From Theory to Technology with Entangled States
• 2022-11-15 Fabian Kress (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Hardware-aware Deep Neural Network Inference Partitioning in Embedded Systems
• 2022-11-09 Stefano Martiniani (New York University) Play. Pause. Rewind. Model-free measurement of local entropy production and extractable work in active matter
• 2022-11-07 Colin Meyer (Dartmouth College) A mushy source for the geysers of Enceladus
• 2022-11-03 Prof. Krishna Garikipati (University of Michigan ) A free energy-based framework for scale bridging in crystalline solids--with some use of machine learning methods
• 2022-11-03 Renai Chen (T-1/T-CNLS) Theoretical advances toward the realization of molecular phononic devices
• 2022-11-02 Nick Hengartner (T-6) and Cynthia Reichhardt (T-1) Epidemic models are only as good as their assumptions
• 2022-11-01 Patrick Diehl (Louisiana State University) Recent Developments in HPX and Octo-Tiger
• 2022-10-31 Martin Voegele (Schrodinger, Inc.) Molecular Dynamics of Membrane Proteins in Health and Disease
• 2022-10-27 Eric Tovar (XCP-2) Structure-preserving approximation techniques for computational fluid dynamics
• 2022-10-20 Melvyn Tyloo (T-4) Heavy-tailed distribution of the number of papers within scientific journals
• 2022-10-17 Markus Deserno (Carnegie Mellon University) Differential stress in asymmetric membranes
• 2022-10-13 Aleksandra Pachalieva (EES-16/CNLS) Physics-informed machine learning with differentiable programming for heterogeneous underground reservoir pressure management
• 2022-10-11 Nick Hengartner (T-CNLS) and Cynthia Reichhardt (T-1) (T-CNLS & T-1) COVID, HIV, and Zombies: Using Active Matter to Model Different Classes of Epidemics
• 2022-10-05 Dr. Matthias Maier (Texas A&M University) Robust and efficient approximation of the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations
• 2022-09-29 Abhishek Mallela (T-6) Differential contagiousness of respiratory disease across the United States
• 2022-09-29 Tess Smidt (MIT) PIML Seminar Series 9: Euclidean Symmetry Equivariant Machine Learning for Atomic Systems -- Overview, Applications, and Open Questions
• 2022-09-22 Rohit Kannan (T-5) Can We Accelerate Nonconvex Optimization Using Machine Learning?
• 2022-09-15 Javier E Santos and Zachary Fox (EES-16 and CCS-3) Reconstructing ANY non-linear time-dependent N-dimensional field from 8 point observations
• 2022-09-15 Taco Cohen (Qualcomm AI Research in Amsterdam) From Equivariance to Naturality
• 2022-09-13 Pedro E. Jimenez (T-5) An implicit, conservative electrostatic particle in cell algorithm for modeling strongly magnetized paraxial magnetic nozzles for space propulsion
• 2022-09-08 Anil Misra (The University of Kansas, Lawrence) Micromorphic Continuum Models derived from Granular Micromechanics and their Applications
• 2022-09-06 Nuno Loureiro (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Magnetic Reconnection: Onset and Realizability
• 2022-09-01 Robert Strauss (T-CNLS) Ocean Modeling in Julia on CPUs and GPUs, and Comparison to MPI-Fortran
• 2022-09-01 Eric C. Bryant (W-13) Surprising results when discrete-to-continuum theory of force/distance-vector dyadics meets sphere-pack data
• 2022-09-01 Amir Gholami and Shashank Subramanian PIML Seminar Series 7: Challenges for Training Physics Informed NNs
• 2022-08-25 Oleg Korobkin (T-5) Introduction to B-Splines for Interpolation and Approximation of Functions
• 2022-08-25 Lillian Petersen (T-CNLS) Cross-trait meta-analysis reveals shared genetic architecture between PCOS, obesity, and chronic inflammation markers
• 2022-08-25 Lu Lu (University of Pennsylvania) PIML Seminar Series 5: Learning operators using deep neural networks for multiphysics, multiscale, & multifidelity problems
• 2022-08-23 Hyungjin Chung (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology & T-5) Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems in Imaging
• 2022-08-18 Melvyn Tyloo (T-4 ) More complexity for richer network dynamics
• 2022-08-17 Lena Lopatina (HPC-ENV) LANL HPC resources including Institutional Computing resources and proposal process
• 2022-08-11 Michael (Misha) Chertkov (University of Arizona) PIML Seminar Series 4: System 2 Applied Mathematics
• 2022-08-11 Johannes Brandstetter (Senior Researcher at Microsoft Lab ) PIML Series Talk 3: Neural PDE solvers
• 2022-08-08 Maxim Moraru, Ph.D. Student and Mina Warnet, Masters Student (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne) Co-Design Summer School 2022 Exit Talk: Transformations for Energy Efficient Accelerated Chain Matrix Multiplication (TEE-ACM2)
• 2022-08-04 Adam Rupe (EES-16) Spacetime Patterns in Cellular Automata
• 2022-08-02 Mac Hyman Good Choices for Great Careers
• 2022-08-02 Prof. David Copp (UC Irvine) From Diabetes to the Power Grid: Solving Problems with Optimal Control and Estimation
• 2022-08-01 Andreas Albrecht (Center for Quantum Mathematics and Physics (QMAP) & UC Davis) Einselection and Equilibrium
• 2022-07-28 CNLS Students CNLS Summer Student Seminar Series
• 2022-07-28 Zico Kolter (Carnegie Mellon University) PIML Series Talk 2: Deep Equilibrium Models
• 2022-07-27 T-DO Students T-DO Student Lighting Talks
• 2022-07-26 T-DO Students T-DO Student Lighting Talks
• 2022-07-25 Dallas Trinkle (Univeristy of Illinois) Machine learning in diffusivity calculations using a variational principle
• 2022-07-25 CNLS Students CNLS Summer Student Seminar Series
• 2022-07-20 CNLS Students CNLS Summer Student Seminar Series
• 2022-07-18 CNLS Students CNLS Summer Student Seminar Series
• 2022-07-14 Robin Walters, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Khoury College Computer Sciences, Northeastern University) PIML talk series I: Relaxed Equivariant Neural Networks for Learning Spatiotemporal Dynamics
• 2022-07-13 CNLS Students CNLS Summer Student Seminar Series
• 2022-07-13 Heng Yin (University of California) Learning Binary Code Representations for Security Applications
• 2022-07-11 CNLS Students CNLS Summer Student Seminar Series
• 2022-07-07 Snehasish Nandy (T-4) Chiral anomaly induced nonlinear Hall effect in multi-Weyl semimetals
• 2022-06-30 Svetlana Tokareva (T-5 Summer Student Seminar Series) A high-level overview of hyperbolic PDEs, applications & methods
• 2022-06-30 James D. Brunner (B-11/T-CNLS) Metabolic Model-based Ecological Modeling for Probiotic Design
• 2022-06-29 Adilson E. Motter (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.) Converse Symmetry Breaking and Emergence in Complex Nonlinear Systems
• 2022-06-27 Huidan (Whitney) Yu (Purdue School of Engineering and Technology) GPU-accelerated volumetric lattice Boltzmann method for image-based computation fluid dynamics
• 2022-06-23 Joshua Burby (T-5 Summer Student Seminar Series) Introduction to the mathematical theory of adiabatic invariance
• 2022-06-23 Michael Saccone (T-4/CNLS) Macroscopic Magnetic Monopoles in a 3D-Printed Mechano-Magnet
• 2022-06-23 Huidan (Whitney) Yu (Purdue School of Engineering and Technology) GPU-accelerated volumetric lattice Boltzmann method for image-based computation fluid dynamics
• 2022-06-23 Aric Hagberg (CCS-DO) The Future History of Artificial Intelligence at LANL
• 2022-06-20 Manuel Garcia (Sandia National Laboratory) Ancillary Service Products for Primary Frequency Control in Electricity Markets
• 2022-06-16 Vidushi Sharma (T-1) Theoretical and Experimental Inroads Into Photocatalytic Water Splitting
• 2022-06-16 Chris Fryer (CCS-2) Leveraging LANL: Tapping LANL Expertise to Drive Progress in our Understanding of Astrophysical Transients
• 2022-06-07 Mina Warnet and Maxim Moraru (University of Reims, France) The Hardware/Software Co-Design Summer School and Benefits of MPI 4.0 Sessions for CUDA-Aware communication libraries
• 2022-06-07 Philipp Podsiadlowski (University of Oxford) The Effects of Binary Evolution on the Final Fate of Massive Stars
• 2022-06-06 Mohammad Soltani (Johnson & Johnson) Stochastic Hybrid Systems with Renewal Transitions
• 2022-06-01 Syed Shah (University of Houston, Dept of Chemistry) Computational and Machine Learning Solutions for Nonlinear Spectroscopic Response
• 2022-06-01 Cody Schimming (University of Minnesota) Field Theories and Defect Structure in Nematic Liquid Crystals
• 2022-05-26 Sakib Matin (T-1) Radio Signal Feature Extraction using Unsupervised Learning
• 2022-05-25 Simon Foucart (Dept. of Mathematics, Texas A&M University) Integrating Observation Errors in Optimal Recovery
• 2022-05-25 Nicholas Chia (Mayo Clinic) Modeling Disease Progression & The Role of Microbial Community Dynamic
• 2022-05-24 Simon Foucart (Dept. of Mathematics, Texas A&M University) Standard, One-Bit, and Saturated Compressive Sensing
• 2022-05-19 Abhijith Jayakumar (T-5) Quantum tomography with graphical models
• 2022-05-19 Hoby Rakotoarivelo (T-5, Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics) Conservative remapping of material-dependent fields between possibly misaligned material regions
• 2022-05-18 Alyssa Whittemore (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) Bootstrap Percolation on Random Geometric Graphs
• 2022-05-05 Alice Allen (T1) Machine learning of material properties: Predictive and interpretable multilinear models
• 2022-05-04 Robert Parker (Carnegie Mellon University) Modeling and optimization strategies for discretized differential-algebraic systems
• 2022-04-28 Wenting Li (T-5) Perturbation-Robust Neural Networks for Stochastic Power Grids
• 2022-04-27 Robin Delabays (University of California, Santa Barbara) From Undirected to Directed Networks of Dynamical Agents
• 2022-04-25 Prof. Daniel P. Tabor (Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University) Data-Driven Methods for Accelerating Vibrational Spectroscopy Modeling at the Medium to Large Scale
• 2022-04-21 Julia Cen (T-4/CNLS) Integrable nonlocal systems and their stability
• 2022-04-14 Aaron Forde (T-1/CNLS) Towards Implementation of Modified-Redfield into ab Initio Non-Adiabatic Dynamics for Modeling Charge-Transfer
• 2022-04-11 Nikita Fedik (Utah State University) Understanding and Designing Chemical Bonding: Synergy of Computations
• 2022-03-31 Holmes, Zoe Portia (CCS-3) Barren plateaus preclude learning scramblers 
• 2022-03-24 Martin Larocca (T-4) Towards trainability guarantees for quantum neural networks: barren-plateau and overparametrization
• 2022-03-17 David Charles Wych (CCS-3/CNLS) Molecular dynamics simulation methods for macromolecular crystallography
• 2022-03-16 Melvyn Tyloo (T4) Local vulnerabilities and global robustness of equilibrium in network-coupled systems
• 2022-03-10 Rohit Kannan (T-5 Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics) Data-Driven Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization on Time Series
• 2022-03-08 Professor Ralf Drautz (ICAMS, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) ACE of spades: Atomic Cluster Expansion of sp and d element systems
• 2022-02-24 Kurtakoti, Prajvala Kishore (T-3) Compensation between Poleward Atmospheric and Oceanic Heat Transports in CMIP6 Climate Simulations   
• 2022-02-24 Carl Merrigan (University of Tel Aviv) Multistable and Irreversible Mechanics in a Frustrated Mechanical Metamaterial
• 2022-02-17 Morgan Gorris (A-1 Information Systems and Modeling) The expansion of Valley fever in response to climate change
• 2022-02-10 Rupe, Adam Thomas (EES-16) Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Optimal Prediction of Partially-Observed Systems
• 2022-02-03 Aleksandra Pachalieva (EES-16 / CNLS) Physics-informed machine learning for underground reservoir pressure management with heterogeneity
• 2022-02-01 Jake Harmon (Colorado State University) Accelerated Adaptive Numerical Methods for Computational Electromagnetics: Enhancing Goal-Oriented Approaches to Error Estimation, Refinement, and Uncertainty Quantification
• 2022-01-27 Chen, Renai (T-1/CNLS) Theoretical and computational studies of heat transport processes in molecular junctions
• 2022-01-26 Saif R. Kazi (T-5 ) On global convergence of Mathematical Programming with Complementarity Constraints
• 2022-01-24 Professor Kristen L. Rhinehardt, PhD (Center of Excellence in Product Design and Advanced Manufacturing (CEPDAM), AGEP-NC Scholar, North Carolina A&T State University) Scientific AI and molecular modeling of Bacterial Genomes and Synthetic Biological Systems
• 2022-01-19 Javier Estrada Santos (Computational Earth Sciences Group (EES-16)) Machine learning applications for flow through permeable media
• 2022-01-18 Smitha Gopinath (T-5) What is the role of domain-knowledge in the optimization of engineering systems?
• 2022-01-13 Zhou, Guoqing (T1/CNLS) Physics-Inspired Deep Learning of Self-Consistent Charge Interactions
• 2022-01-06 Fox, Zachary Russell (CCS-3) Extracting information from Markovian trajectories of gene expression

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